mandag 14. november 2016


6. Topic of choise: Against time
Laura Priščáková

How to learn and teach history? We start in prehistoric times, through Ancient Greece, Middle Ages to Modern times in the Czech Republic at school. It is simply to tell stories of past from old to new historical events, chronological. I always try to find new ways how to learn and teach history. I think that exhibition on the second floor of the Nordland Museum show us interesting way. I really liked the idea to start with year 1940 in Bodø...


...and go to beginning of the 19th century and after that show visitors history after Second World War.

There is concept of time, on the other hand there are several topics for example Communications or Children and games. Visitors can choose if they want to focus on time and see how Bodø looked like in 1940 to beginning of 19th century or focus on main topics that are related with life in Bodø. My opinion is that this exhibition is great place for teachers and schools to learn about history.

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