mandag 14. november 2016

4. A day at Alstahaug and Tjøtta
Laura Priščáková

It was our first day of exploring history of Nordland. I did not know about history of Norway in that time but I was excited about new experiences of Adventures Knowledge. We had to wake up early because of sunset before 4 PM. and our schedule was a little bit full. We went by taxi from Sandnessjøen to Alstahaug, our first stop. First I saw flat area with dominated church and a few houses and the Peter Dass museum afterwards. 

We had first lesson about Vikings and the Middle Ages in Nordland at the Peter Dass museum and I think it gave us the basics for understanding these periods. There were many information and names, maybe too abstracts in this time but we could gradually put together a mosaic with the future field trips and reading texts.

We visited Kongshaugen after lesson which was made between 1800-1000 years BC. Kongshaugen is a burial mound situated in a good location with a great view. This mound was clearly visible for ships and probably it was important spot for this area. One reason for this argument is that „this kind of big Burial mound was often used as an expression of land ownership“[1]. We had time for thinking and talking about Kongshaugen; who built it, why they decided to build a mound here and more question. I appreciate that we could try to find answers and have discussion, not just lecture from teacher. 

We visited the church and the exhibition on the first floor of the Peter Dass Museum and after that we took a bus to Tjøtta where is a church which was rebuilt in 1851. There was short but great meeting with  local boys or girls?

We continued our journey. The place where Vikings had their meetings was last stop. This place was something like a parliament of Vikings and I could imagine how it looked in the past. The day was behind us and I realized with the sunset – darkness is coming…

[1] Information board Kongshaugen

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