søndag 29. november 2015

Traditional norwegian house

Hello everyone!

The second day of our trip in Helgeland we saw a traditional norwegian museum-house, where you could find all kind of old fashion objects from the 19th century. So, it was a tipical building from Nordland and inside there were tematic rooms, that is to say, each room of the house was focuss in one action of the daily life. 

We started the visit eaitng our lunch and handmade bread in a cozy room, that was part of the museum. That meal gave me the energy that I needed to concentrate in the museum. We started in the kitchen, where I saw all kind of kitchen tools that normally nowadays you can find, but this ones were from many years ago. We continue with the living room, children's room, a small classroom and so on. It was amazing to see all the old tools that they used for the daily life. It is a really complete museum that takes you to another century and that way you can make and idea of how the society was like or how they lived many years ago, when tecnologies were not used.

Kitchen tools




Children's room

At first I was afraid I would not like it and my motivation was not really high, but little by little I started to have more and more interest and at the same time my motivation rised up: I wanted to see all the tools that I could and I wanted to know all their uses. On the one hand, this visit made me think in the importance of the interest and the motivation in the learning process and the strong relation between both of them. In kindergarten education, is really important to know how to turn on the interest and motivation in all the puppils. In fact, a lack of those in the learning process will sadly end in failure. On the other hand, it also made me think of the big change in the way of life:  Before it was possible to live without technologies and nowadays we are completely dependent on them. I think that we don't have to reject the progress and that we should take advantage of it. So I am in favour of technologies in the classrooms, but I also think that should be necessary to teach how to use them in a properly way. 

5 kommentarer:

  1. I can totally agree with you that the start of this museum was perfect to get more energy. And that the different rooms raised the motivation, it was an amazing museum.

  2. I really like your choice of pictures. It provides additional information to your written text!

  3. I can only agree with the comments above. You have a great range of pictures, which give a really nice insight in the museum. And I totally feel the same way about the motivation process! Being in this house felt like going back in time.

  4. Your last paragraph is really interesting for me. I agree with your idea, that interest of pupils is important for better learning and also with idea of how much we are dependend on modern technique nowday (I don't find it good).

  5. This is a really good entry with a lot of information and beautiful pictures. I enjoyed the visit of the museum.
