søndag 29. november 2015

The International War Cementery in Tjøtta

Day 3, 24.11.2015

On our previous trip of our third module of the Adventure Knowlegde course we went to Sandnessjøen. We arrived very late in the evening on Monday the 23rd of November 2015. 
On the next day we went by bus to the International War Cementery on Tjøtta. It is actually a Russian War Cemetery. TThis cemetery was devoted to all of those who perished at the sinking of the troop transport ship "Rigel" on November 27, 1944. The ship sank and altogether 2,457 people perished. The event is considered one of the most significant shipwrecks in the world. The wreck lay partially submerged off the coast of Rosøya island until about 1970, but has now been removed. This cemetery was consecrated in 1970. All the graves are anonymous, but a memorial stone in the form of a cross has been erected on the site.

I can not really describe the feelings I had, when I stood on the ground of a cementery where more than 6,700 dead soldiers are buried. It made me feel terrified to what people are able to do during war and how devastating war is. I hope that I will never experience something like that.

2 kommentarer:

  1. I like that you describe and include your feelings about this special place in your blogg. I think for your essay you should check again if this really is the international war cemetery because as far as I understood, there are two different cemeteries in Tjotta. Maybe we can discuss this again in class of Thursday.

  2. I really like your post, I can feel from text that cemetery had big impression on you and I was also consternate on that place.
