søndag 29. november 2015

International Russian War Cemetery

During World War 2, many prisoners - mainly Soviets - were held in camps in Norway. They had to work hard and were seriously punished, often shot, or died through inllness.
There were many camps around in Nordland; the prisoner's work was very important for that area because they helped building up the infrastructure, and worked in fish and brick factories.

MS Rigel på Vefsnfjorden våren 1941. Foto: Ludvig Vikbakk.

In 1944, British planes attacked the ship "MS Rigel" which was taking thousands of Soviet prisoners south. "MS Rigel" was baldy damaged and about 2500 people died; it is the third biggest incident of all times! 

                                                                                                                                                                                picture 1                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Starting in 1957, "Operation Asphalt" was supposed to collect all dead Soviet prisoners, bring them to Tjotta, and burry them there at one place. In 1953, a piece of land given by the government to place the bodies. There are now burried about 8000 people, mostly unidentified          Russians. This big area is restricted with stone brick walls; on this walls there are boards on which names of the fallen are writen down. 
The place is big, very remote, and far from the city. Only few people know that this places exists and come to visit it. Although it was such a big happening, there is little information to be found. 
In 2013, it had been 60 years since it happened; but there were no ceremonies.

 In my opinion it is a pitty that there is not more information given about this tragic happenings. I was searching the internet but was not able to find someting I could have used. There is supposed to be an interview with a survivor of the Rigel catastrophy on video taken for the 60th anniversary but I sadly could not find a link. 

picture 1: http://www.nrk.no/nordland/60-ar-siden-helvete-1.95615

3 kommentarer:

  1. Nice summary about history and cemetery. I totally agree that people should have pay more attention about this place. Thank you for finding a video and a link.

  2. I like the structure which you used for your entry. It is really good that you added a picture of the ship. I agree with you that it is a pity that not more information are known about this happening.

  3. Good job on putting together all the information needed to get a overall view of the topic!
