mandag 30. november 2015

Discovering history museums

With our course, we have up to now been to several different history museums.

Bodo history museum

 This museum gives a variety of historical aspects: how the city was build before and after World War 2 where it was bombed; living style; hospital; air craft; and Sami people. Every part of this topics is presented in a very small area. There is not much to see; though it give you an insight in how it was happening.

If I would consider going there with a school class, I had to take a guide to lead the pupils through the exhibition. It is difficult for kids to get the information from the boards. There are enough facts written on boards but in my opinion pupils remember it easier if they can connect with stories. What is very interesting is the part of the Viking's jewellery.
The museum also offers a short film covering Bodo's history. This video gives a lot of information. When you visit the museum with a school class, I would watch this film maybe even twice -  before and after the tour through the exhibition.

Heroy museum

is a very old house; it was built in 1850. Originally it was the priest's farm house where he lived and worked, next to the church.

kitchen and dinning table
Today it is a museum where nearly nothing was changed within the house.
You can see all the old stuff like music instruments, clothes, kitchen utensils, bedrooms, dinning table etc.

It is very interesting for pupils because they can discover the life how it used to be on their own; there is no guide and no information boards needed. They can walk around in the two floored house and experience each room on their own, in their speed.

Sometimes guided tours are too slow or more often too fast and pupils are not able to get all the information. But if they can go on their own it is a huge advantage.

In this case, the Heroy museum, I, as a going-to-be teacher, would give them some tasks to fulfil and let them search for themselves. Pupils will remember the things they saw much better because they can connect with it and can even make up their own stories.

There are even workshops offered where you can e.g. attend a baking-bread course.

 Mosjoen history museum

belongs to the group of Helgeland Museum. It is a cooperation of many different museums all over Helgeland. It was opened in 1925.
In Mosjoen the museum is about its history, in particular about economy and living there.
This town did not exist before 1850s. First, farmer and fishermen settled there because of the big amount of wood and the good fishing areas. These were also the first industrial sectors. Therefor a lot of crafts men were necessary, and so the population rose.  

different crafts men: baker, police man, fisher

crafts men

Another - still - main sector is the aluminium production. It is very important for the employment.

The museum is a very good place for going with pupils. It offers a big range of pictures and information. You won't need a guide. There is even a bigger leaflet providing lots of information before hand. So it is possible to prepare pupils before going to the museum.

One point to consider is the lightning in the exhibition rooms. It is some places very dark. Additionallly, it would be great if there would be some areas for kids to try things out, e.g. dress themselves up as in usual in former times.

With all the pictures, tools, and everyday objects, it is as interesting for adults as for kids. In the attic there is also the possibility to do workshops.

4 kommentarer:

  1. I love your idea to connect our experiences from many museums we saw and compare them. Furthermore I appreciate your opinion like a future teacher - I agree with your comments!

  2. Really nice comparison and summary of the different museums we have seen. Also the pictures are well chosen to show what you are writing about.

  3. You drecribe it perfectly! I also think that it would be great to create more areas for children, where they could play and learn at the same time.

  4. I totally agree with the others that this is a really nice way of comparing the museums we saw. And I also think that it is really dark in some rooms and this makes you kind of tired.
