mandag 23. november 2015

Nordlands Museum

Hello everybody!

Last tuesday (November 17th) we start the new Adventure Knowlege course: Experience of Architecture, Art and Cultural Heritage. We started the day with a trip to get to know more about Bodo's history and we made a tour in Bodo sentrum. We saw many buildings such as the Nordland Museum, Bodo's cathedral, the post-office, Bodo Kommune, the railway and many more. A tower marks the most important buildings in town. Apart from that, all those buildings have some similarities, such as the windows, the main entrance and the roof, to mention some.

Nordlands Museum
We saw many buildings, but the most interesting for me was the Nordland Museum, probably because we stayed there longer than in other places. The Nordland Museum is located in Bodo Sentrum. The building is yellow and it has big windows with some details in the boarders. The main entrance is visible and  the construction has a Swiss style. In this museum you can find a lot of information about Bodo's history, but mainly in Norwegian. In the inside you can find pictures and illustrated photos, that makes the visit more visual and therefore, more enjoyable. It is a bright place, which makes the museum more attractive. There is a good use of the space: In the lowest floor there is a fishbowl with different species; In the first floor there are some informative panels with some pictures; Finally, in the second floor everything is more visual, here you can find a model of Bodo city before the attack in 1940, after the attack and how it looks like nowadays. Also, you can see the tools that the hospitals used and some daily objects that help us to understand how the norwegian society was in the 19th-20th century. Apart from that, there is a film with subtitles in english that you can watch.

This trip has been meaningful for me, because I can relate with my studies (education). For example, the film is quite interesting for children. It is an appropriate way for turning on the interest of the puppils. Furthermore, in the film Bodo's history was explained in a positive way and that is really important in education: The children should join the school activities with good and positive feelings and this way their motivation for learning will increase. However, the language is an important factor to take into account. For example, the film contained a lot of information and we had to see the film and read the subtitles at the same time, so it was difficult to follow the text and the photos at the same time. In adition, almost everything was in norwegian, so if you let the children to explore the place and learn by their own, the puppils should know Norwegian. In our case, the best option was to make a tour with a guide, who explains everything in a common language. To sum up, the museum was really interesting and I liked the idea of focus the history in a positive way.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Good description of the museum and I really like your deliberations about how it works for children. This would be a great topic to expand on further in your essay.

  2. Thank you for your interesting description of the museum & how it is possible to keep the "clients" motivated. It isn't always enough to simply present a museum as it is, but the staff should make more effort to improve the learning-processes.

  3. I really like your opinionen to the educational part of the museum. I think for norwegian classes it is perfect because they can explore on their on; but - as you mentioned - for foreign language speakers it is difficult to get the information.
