søndag 22. november 2015

2. Bodin church

Bodin church was our next stop with course. This church is probably almost eight hundred years old and it is one of the oldest churches in Nordland. We had really interesting visitation and heard a lot from history of this church. During our tour I was thinking that finally I found place in Bodø which reminds me in some kind of way my home.
 I come from the Prague - the capital of Czech Republic. My country is one of the smallest but actually quite different in compare with Norway. Especially when we are talking about churches and historic monuments, there are plenty of them (because everything is so close and together on small area). So for me was actually interesting realize how much I am used to see historic monuments every day without deeper thinking. Now I realized that many people are passing these monuments every day ("another old building"). But actually I don't know too much about them.
 I had the same feeling approximately one year ago when I started to work with migrants in Prague. I also planned walks through the city and talking about main historical monuments for them. But for me was surprising, that a lot information people know, even though they are born in another country. Also they surprised me with questions to which I didn't know answer. So this visit reminds me, that next time I should rise my head and watch carefully things around me.

1 kommentar:

  1. I like that you mentioned this point. I think that all of us see buildings every day, without noticing them and without thinking about their meaning. It is really good that you connected your experience in Bodø with your experiences in your hometown.
