søndag 22. november 2015

Bodin Church

Day 2, 18.11.2015

The Bodin Church is one of the oldest buildings in Bodø. It is located a little bit outside of the town centre. It is said that people come to worship at this place for almost thousand years. The church was torn down and rebuilt several times. But people believe that it is built around 1240 A.D.. The place where the church is located served even in earlier times as a place to worship the old gods. The architecture of the church is quite different to younger churches. Maybe it the it is today because it was rebuilt so often. 

Very striking is the altar-piece. It is quite big and made from wood. It is typical for the period, the baroque age. In the center of the altar-piece the story of Christ is told: the last supper in the centre, the crucifixion above, the burial at the bottom and above it all: Christ ascending into heaven. In early years the ceiling of the church was very low so the people could not se Christ ascending into heaven. There was literally a hole in the ceiling because the altar-piece was so tall.

On the same level as the last supper is Moses and his brother Aaron and on the next level is St. Paul and St. Peter. On top of them there are the four evangelists. On the extreme right and left are Adam and Eve to one side, and the baptism of Christ on the other. The date of the altar-piece is supported by two mermaids, 1670. There is also a record who gave it, and that it was painted by Gotfried Ezekiel, a german painter, in 1745. It is said that at that time no one in Nordland was able to paint like that. The baptism font was designed by Oscar Bodøgaard, a famous local artist who also restored the altar-piece in 1964.

I really liked the visit at the Bodin Church. It was very impressive to hear that the church was rebuilt several times, and that it was a worhshiped place for a long time either for the Norse gods or Christianity. I think it is very important to preserve such places to be able to teach history to our children and keep up their cultural interests. We should never forget where we come from. History is a important teacher for the future.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Great description about the altar-piece. It would be really interesting to learn more about the chosen scenes and figures on it.

  2. Your text is full of informations and I had a chaince to repeat them, so it is very good. I also appreciate your last paragraph where is your opinion and I fully agree with your last sentence.
